Opposition DK: ‘Crisis will last as long as Orbán remains in power’

The cost-of-living crisis hitting Hungary has been caused first of all by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, MEP Klára Dobrev of the opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) said on Sunday. “This crisis will last as long as Orbán remains in power,” she said in her first speech delivered as Hungary’s shadow prime minister.
She said her party had formed a shadow cabinet as “Hungary is now farther from Europe than ever over the past thirty years. The crisis is deepening day by day and what we are witnessing is the beginning of collapse. If we fail to take this step now, it will be more difficult later.”
Orbán has had “absolute power” for 12 years and during this period he has always blamed others for Hungary’s ills, Dobrev said. Now he attributes all problems to the war in Ukraine, she added.
The war, however, cannot explain that Hungary’s rate of inflation is twice that of the other European countries. Neither can it explain the weakening of the forint, the sharp increases in public utility costs, and the dramatic decline in the standards of health care and education, Dobrev said.
“The answer is very simple: what the prime minister says is untrue,” she said, insisting that Orbán was hiding behind the war to avoid being blamed for what was happening in the country.
The long-awaited peace, however, will not bring the life for Hungarians what they would otherwise deserve; it would not lead to improvements in health care and education, to higher wages and pensions, Dobrev said.
She blamed Orbán rather than the war in Ukraine for the European Commission’s Sunday proposal for suspending a part of the EU funds allocated to Hungary.
In her view, the prime minister deceived the whole nation over the past 12 years and during the election campaign when he promised security.
“He has deceived the nation, his own electorate, and lied about his plans and goals,” she said.
Hungary has no access to the recovery funds as the EU no longer trusts Orbán, and sees no guarantee for the money granted to Hungary not to be stolen, Dobrev said.
In her view, Hungary could more easily reach an agreement with the European Union, stabilise its economy and the forint and curb inflation if Orbán was out of office tomorrow.
Calling the Orbán government the source of all ills, Dobrev said that DK had formed a shadow cabinet to be prepared for governing the country. She insisted that every possible effort should be made to pave the way for the soonest possible collapse of Orbán’s government.
“There is no life for Hungary outside the European Union,” Dobrev said, adding that the country’s exit from the 27-nation bloc would bring about a euro exchange rate of over 500 forints per euro, bankrupt farms, huge unemployment, a lasting rate of inflation over 30 percent, travel restrictions and misery.
Source: MTI
” When the YOKE is Broken,
the BURDEN is Removed.”
Hungary, the announcements again out of Brussels 18th September 2022 – the European Union, are not “at ease” – with the Victor Orban led Government of Hungary.
This will not CHANGE, in fact it is likely to WORSEN for Hungary, that whilst the name Victor Orban is witnessed on any form of documentation, especially seeking FUNDING – submitted to the European Union – the “funding” situation, to Hungary – will be SCRUTINIZED.
Hungary – has never “signed off” – in fact, they have constantly adapted a position termed displayed in attitude and exhibited as – OBJECTIONABLE / Argumentative – to permit/allow the process of AUDIT – being undertaken, in funds or funding – that has been PROVIDED – from the European Union – under the Prime Ministerialship of Victor Orban.
WHY – WHY – why not say NOW Hungary – we “open our books” – to the European Courts of Auditors.
The European Courts of Auditors – are the external auditors, whose task it is, to AUDIT yearly, the funding distribution of European Union Funds.
It audits each year the reliability of the European Union accounts, and the legality and regularity of the transactions underlying the accounts, for both revenue and expenditure.
If we HUNGARY – Victor Orban & his Government – have NOTHING to FEAR nor HIDE – in the use of European Union provision of Funds – in the time x2 – that Victor Orban has been Prime Minister of Hungary – Open the BOOKS.
It would be MINDBOGGLING – but if and when, the name FIDESZ disappears from POWER in Hungary – by whatever means, the newly formed Government – SHOULD – ensure – invite the European Union – European Courts of Auditors, to undertake, a FULL Audit – of ALL Funding, received by the Victor Orban led Government of Hungary – in his time(s) – as Prime Minister of Hungary.
The European Court of Justice – in all probability – a VERY busy place.
Hungary – freedom of the Judiciary returned – without Fidesz/Government – Power & Control, would be “stretched” in matters, that in ALL probability, would see, through the severity of matters, need be referred to the European Court of Justice.
The Hungarian Judicial system – being FREE – would be BUSY extremely.
The European Union position that Hungary has PLACED it-self in – through the Fidesz Party Leader and present Prime Minister of Hungary and his Government – the ramifications of their attitude and stance – is a Cataclysmic Disaster for Hungary.
Victor Orban – and it comes ALL back to his name – he has been the architect, attempting to SPLIT & DIVIDE – destruct and have replaced the European Union, without the CORE ingredient that is the CREED of being a member of the European group of countries and that is – DEMOCRACY.
The European Union “building” – its position of transparency, in statements made in Europe & Globally -that Hungary, no longer is Government as a – Democracy.
Hungary – “growing” in functionality – a Dictatorial Government that witnessing to – Rule by Decree.
Hungary – the 9.6 million citizens – accelerated in style as a DICTATORIAL form of Government especially post February 2020 – is in an Economic & Financial – SHAMBLES.
The ability of the Fidesz Party under the Leadership of the present Prime Minister of Hungary – Victor Orban, the Government of Hungary – its Control over Media & the Judiciary – PERMITS it to – VEIL -“smoke screen” what Factually, is occurring in the mechanisms componentry’s of Hungary.
The massive PROPAGANDA machine – is working OVERTIME – for the Victor Orban led Government of Hungary.
Propaganda – break it down, and study it – what’s it saying, as it is “riddled” an “infested with FALSENESS – painting pictures that don’t EXIST.
The “veiling” process of the present Government of Hungary under Victo Orban is IMPLODING.
WHO – besides Russia & China – Who are FRIENDS of Hungary ???
Russia – “waged” war against the Ukraine – economically in “rapid” decline – the SANCTIONS rightfully being effective – leadership “rumblings” of confidence & support, for the War on Ukraine
China – being “ravaged” by the Noval virus – that has continued to send – SHOCKWAVES – through China, especially looking at its expected GDP – predictions.
Russia & China – not GLOBALLY growing in Love – by Major “other” countries.
We live in Hungary in critical, dangerous, challenging an un-certain time.
The ZENITH – of what is to COME – Scary.
Winter comes – which 2022 – will witness additional new CHALLENGES – than we know EXIST throughout our Bleak and Darkened – cold & freezing climatically – Winter months present.
St.Stephen – Pray for us – Hungary.
Richness of a Prayer of St. Stephens ;
“Be Humble in this Life,
That God may Raise you up in the next.
Be truely moderate,
and do not punish,
or condem anyone immoderately.
Be Gentle,
so that you may never oppose Justice.
Be Honourable,
so that you may never voluntarily,
bring disgrace upon anyone.
Be Chaste,
so that you may be able to avoid all the foulness of Lust,
like the pangs of death.”
Hungary ;
“When the Yoke is Broken,
the BURDEN is Removed.”
The Farther backwards you can look,
the Farther forward you can see.”
There is a reason the UK left the EU
There is a reason for the EU energy crisis
There is reason the for the Ukraine war
It’s called EU stupidity
STUPIDITY – is Hungary – being the agitators/dividers/aggressors – always objecting and complaining, never embracing the PURPOSE of the European Union.
The Hungarian Government, the FURTHER in time under its Leader Victor Orban has been in power, the Hungarian – European Union “contract” has got dismantled.
Orban – moves further away from Democracy to Governing in a Dictatorial style.
Orban – commenced “Rule by Decree” – into his “style” of Government.
Orban – the European Union, have caught his Government out, that they simple have been ABUSING European Union Funding.
Orban – closest friends HE has established for Hungary – Russia & China.
Happy Days – Hungary, until the name Victor Orban is REMOVED.